
acquisition Co-Planar in America and Mexico


  • acquisition Co-Planar, Inc. (USA and Mexico)
  • specialist in complex precision stamping
  • annual revenue approximately USD 9 million

Aalberts complex precision stamping expands to North America

Aalberts Industries N.V. has reached an agreement to acquire 100% of the shares of Co-Planar, Inc., based in New Jersey (USA) and Querétaro (Mexico), generating an annual revenue of approximately USD 9 million.

Co-Planar is a specialist in complex precision stamping with very good technical knowledge on accurate and high-speed stamping.

Aalberts material technology is a worldwide leading market player in complex precision stamping (Metalis) combined with heat and surface treatments.

The acquisition of Co-Planar enables Aalberts to expand with Key Accounts in USA and Mexico. The experienced management of Co-Planar will continue to lead the company and will become part of the Metalis organisation.

The results of Co-Planar will be consolidated as of 1 September 2018. The acquisition will directly contribute to the earnings per share and will be financed from existing credit facilities.

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