
trading update - first quarter 2004

a good start in 2004

During the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders of 22 April 2004, the management of Aalberts Industries N.V. announced that sales, the profit, and the orders received in the first months of the year 2004 have increased in comparison with the same period in 2003.

The management expressed its confidence in the expectations presented in the 2003 Annual Report. In addition to the anticipated organic growth, Aalberts Industries expects to be able to continue pursuing its acquisition activities this year. The well-filled order book and the outlook in the majority of markets in which Aalberts Industries is active justify to expect - barring unforeseen circumstances - a further rise in the profit per share in 2004.

The proposed dividend for the financial year 2003 was approved. At the choice of the shareholders, the dividend will be paid out in cash, at eur 0.56 per ordinary share having a nominal value of eur 1,00, or in the form of stock dividend either charged to the tax-exempt share premium or to the unappropriated profit, whereby 41 ordinary shares give the right to 1 ordinary share of eur 1.00 nominal value. The dividend is made payable as from 29 April 2004 by the ABN AMRO Bank N.V. of Amsterdam.

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