capital markets day 2019
- allocating our capital in the most efficient way - further narrow the focus
- achieving unique leading market positions with sustainable impact
- building an even stronger and better Aalberts
- operational leverage | excellence mainly drives EBITA % increase
- efficient capital allocation drives ROCE % increase
capital markets day - evolving into an even stronger and better Aalberts
Aalberts held a Capital Markets Day at its head office in WTC Utrecht. Providing investors with an update on the strategy 'focused acceleration' 2018-2022, including further business insights.
- allocating our capital in the most efficient way - further narrow the focus
- achieving unique leading market positions with sustainable impact
- building an even stronger and better Aalberts
- accelerate organic revenue growth
- realise operational leverage | excellence; ‘drop through’ 25%
- accelerate portfolio optimisation
- further focus, clustering and simplification
- operational leverage | excellence mainly drives EBITA % increase
- efficient capital allocation drives ROCE % increase
capital markets day 2019
download presentation

any questions?
Jeannette Zuidema
executive assistant