continuity in a fast-changing market
- Aalberts surface technologies helps its customers deliver market-leading products by providing heat treatment
- customers want a partner that will use their know-how, is innovative, and enables them to further distinguish their offering from the competition

Today’s market is changing rapidly. Cars need to be lighter, aeroplanes more economical, and machines more durable. At Aalberts surface technologies, one of our jobs is to help our customers deliver market-leading products by providing heat treatment that continuously pushes the requirements of individual components and production processes.
key processes
"Heat treatment is one of the key processes in our customers' long list of requirements," says Steffen Schneiders, plant manager surface technologies. "They need a partner that will use their know-how and expertise, that is innovative, and that enables them to further distinguish their offering from the competition and secure new business.”
high quality solutions
And it's our ability to provide vacuum brazing, a process that creates high quality joints under temperatures up to 1150°C in a vacuum atmosphere, that enables us to support our customers across such a broad range of industries. “We are able to create extremely high-grade joints that are capable of carrying heavy loads,” says Steffen. These are often superior to welded joints, or produce very complex geometries that are impossible to achieve using other joining methods."
One recent example involved providing vacuum brazing for the heat exchanger and gas-supply pipes of a highly efficient product called BlueGEN, an innovative and sustainable initiative that generates electricity through a highly efficient fuel cell. "We were asked to carry out the project for a number of reasons,” says Steffen. “First, being part of the Aalberts family means we are able to upscale production when necessary, which is a huge advantage. Second, because we had production facilities located close to the customer in Germany, our services are future-proof and production continuity can be guaranteed. It’s this combination of expertise and continuity that help our customers sleep better at night.”