
acquisition C&G Industrie in France


  • acquisition Groupe C.G Industrie (France)
  • specialised surface treatments and heat treatments
  • annual revenue approximately EUR 4 million

Aalberts Industries, with activities in the areas of Industrial Services and Flow Control, has reached agreement with the shareholders of Groupe C.G Industrie on the takeover of 100% of the company’s shares. C.G Industrie is based in the French Alps (Cluses) and includes the companies BMG and ThermoTech. The annual turnover is around eur 4 million.

C.G Industrie is a hybrid company with two major specialisations: surface treatments (paints and coatings) and heat treatments (high frequency induction heat treatment). C.G Industrie also offers soldering services, which makes it important in its markets (mainly the automotive and electrical engineering industries).

The takeover of C.G Industrie further expands the French network of service centres and gives Aalberts Industries a base in one of France’s most important industrial areas (Lyon, French Alps). In the years ahead, C.G Industrie branch will be expanded to include other technologies and this will enable Aalberts Industries to increase its presence in this French industrial centre.

The current management team will remain in place and will contribute to the expansion of the company’s activities. It will report to the French management of Aalberts Industries’ group Material Technology.

The takeover is being financed from our own resources. The figures for Groupe C.G Industrie will be included in the consolidation as of 1 May 2005. The takeover will make a positive contribution to profit growth in 2005.

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