
on route to electrifying vehicles


  • Aalberts surface technologies recently completed construction of a new heavy duty coil stock plating line focused on the Electric Vehicle (EV) Market
  • this new equipment allows us to selectively apply the electroplated metals offering engineers more versatility in their design
Developing sustainable solutions is one of Aalberts' key focus areas, as we work to create technologies that benefit both society and help advance our customers' businesses. At Aalberts surface technologies, specialists in improving material characteristics for regional and global customers accounts, one area in which we are working to develop solutions is the fast-growing electric vehicle (EV) sector. From hybrid, fully electric, or even autonomous, electric vehicles are seen as the future of personal transportation. Our aim is to help original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) as they make the switch to next-generation automobiles.

sustainable, efficient and versatile
With our ability to provide metal plating solutions that lead to clean, reliable and efficient products, Aalberts surface technologies recently constructed a new heavy-duty coil stock plating line targeted at the EV market. Our solution involves several heavy-gauge busbar loose piece programs being redesigned for 'pre-plated' coils. For example, manufacturers are increasingly specifying silver on heavy-gauge copper along with nickel and tin.

The new equipment allows us to selectively apply the electroplated metals, offering automobile engineers more versatility in their design.

future technology
As EV designs evolve and volumes increase, manufacturers are increasingly focusing on reel-to-reel efficiencies for both throughput and cost, enabling them to ramp up their production lines while realising economies of scale. This new line is just one example of Aalberts' commitment to customers and our spirit of entrepreneurship.


Oliver Jäger
any questions?
Oliver Jäger
surface technologies at Aalberts surface technologies
Aalberts surface technologies

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