
decisions General Meeting 2010


  • all agenda items approved
  • dividend EUR 0.13 in cash per share, nominal value of EUR 0.25
  • Mr M. van Pernis appointed as Supervisory Board member
  • amendment Articles of Association

financial Statements 2009

During the General Meeting of Shareholders held on 22 April 2010, the financial statements for the financial year 2009 were adopted.

The members of the Management Board and Supervisory Board were granted discharge for the policy pursued in the 2009 financial year, respectively for the supervision exercised on this policy.

The proposed dividend for the financial year 2009 was approved. At the choice of the shareholders, the dividend will be paid out in cash, at EUR 0.13 per ordinary share having a nominal value of EUR 0.25, or in the form of stock dividend either charged to the tax-exempt share premium account or to the unappropriated profit. This payment in shares qualifies as the exception of Article 5:4 sub (e) to the prospectus obligation set out in Article 5:2 of the Act on Financial Supervision (Wet op het financieel toezicht, Wft). As from 19 May 2010 dividend will be made payable. The stock dividend will be determined on 17 May 2010 after market closing on the basis of the volume weighted average price of all shares in Aalberts Industries N.V. traded on 11, 12, 13, 14 and 17 May 2010 and such that the value of the dividend in shares is virtually equivalent to the value of the cash dividend.

appointment new Supervisory Board member
The General Meeting agreed to appoint Mr Martin van Pernis as member of the Supervisory Board for the period of four years.

All other agenda items approved.

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